About US
The best recordings ever on many areas of the spiritual life.All are to help us to love the Lord and each other as ourselves… Many are now available for the first time online and in CD format. Please do listen to these recordings.They are life changing! Have a listen to some of the audio samples...and please do let this community site be just that ! There are forums that can be created and other ways to join in.We hope to be hearing from you soon
Joy our beautiful daughter, wonderful sister, age just 13 went to be with her Lord 29th July 2011. Thank you for all your love and support .This is a link to more about our precious girl now in Heaven and watching over us all...Love you always Joy..see you later beautiful Joy....
Welcome Recordings started in 1992 when the New Jerusalem Bible publishers "Darton, Longman & Todd" gave Paul Soffe permission to put the Gospels and later the New Testament on tape. ( These recordings will soon be available on CD)
A few years later the company was able to offer many other talks on spirituality and prayer life. Testimony talks were added later to cover the area of conversion and Christian growth. The one major area not adequately covered was in depth Biblical teachings.
Recording Fr. Raymond E. Brown in 1998 fulfilled Welcome Recordings desire to make available some of the best Biblical teachings ever recorded.
R E Brown Recordings
Raymond E. Brown Press Release, June 2000
Raymond E Brown, universally acclaimed as an excellent Scripture scholar, went to be with his Lord on the 8th August 1998. He left behind a tremendous knowledge that up until now was only widely available through his books. Now his wonderful teachings have been made accessible to everyone through recordings made at Fr. Raymond's conferences.
In May 1998 Fr. Raymond gave his unique permission to Paul Soffe of Welcome Recordings to release his talks 'The Beginnings of the Church' recorded by Paul in February 1998 in London. Fr. Raymond also asked him to record him in the UK where he was hoping to give a conference covering the area he is most well known for, the Gospel of John. Sadly, this was not meant to be. Raymond went to be with His Lord On August 8th 1998
In December 1999 Paul received permission from the Society of St. Sulpice to look for other recordings given by Raymond. There are now 14 sets available. Much work has been done to the recordings including digitally enhancing them to ensure they are excellently presented for all to hear. Since their availability people from all walks of life and from all over the world have greatly benefited from listening to these wonderful talks.
We asked Paul why they are so popular...
"Raymond makes the Scriptures come alive . Many people and from many different denominations have written in telling us how their faith in God's Word has been renewed. As well as a wonderful Scripture Scholar he had a pastoral heart for his listeners. For Raymond, the Word's relevance for our lives today was very important. Listening to these talks is an easy way and wonderful way to experience the power of God's Word and to see its effect in our every day lives. Also, many wonder how the Gospels came into being. Raymond answers this important question in a very clear and understandable way."
Paul Soffe has recently received permission from The Society of St. Sulpice in the USA to seek out and to make available any other recordings that might exist.
Paul again...
"I have wanted to publish Fr. Raymond's tapes for several years after hearing him speak and being greatly effected and changed by his wonderful approach to the Word of God. Good speakers are very hard to come by, but someone of Raymond E Brown's calibre is a once in a lifetime phenomenon! And on a practical level , unbeknown to Fr. Raymond and to a certain degree ourselves, if we hadn't been given this work it is quite likely we would not have been able to continue. We have had many opportunities to publish other speakers which would have seen us financially better off, but we knew it was important to only make available quality talks. For as long as I can remember, Raymond was the speaker I deeply desired to record and publish. I think it was a constant prayer of the heart that eventually got answered and in a wonderful way!
I will let the talks speak for themselves ! Please listen to the short samples and if you have any other questions do contact me on paulsoffe@welcomerecordings.com..or my direct line
If calling from outside UK Your country code ** 44 1244 520 219
From the UK 01244 520 219
I have been certainly led to record some of the finest speakers and also to capture the right talks at the right time. When i re listen to these recordings i realise just how they are available for a purpose ...and the purpose is now! I do hope you get to listen to some of them and do let me know how you go on.
Every blessing to you and to your families and communities, In Jesus our Lord , Paul Soffe and family. JUly 2011
PS We also offer French tuition and flute lessons. Please contact me for further information paulsoffe@welcomerecordings.com
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