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How much will the carriage cost ?

The cost is $6.50 / £5 / €6 per item ie per item code. I spell this out clearly because i have had the odd occasion whereas someone thought the carriage cost was per single CD! Of course it is per set. All parcels are sent by Royal Air Mail or Ist class Royal Mail for UK orders


If I order over a certain amount can i have the carriage discounted?



AT the moment yes we will give free carraige to all orders over $110  ( 65 GBP  /  82 Euro   

As well as the carriage costs there is a handling charge to place the item in its packaging and to process the dispatching of the item. We have endeavoured to keep the carriage costs down as low as we can.

Guarantee of speedy and safe shipping of your order

We will endeavour to post off within 5 working days your order. It will leave by Royal Mail or by Royal Air Mail ( for overseas orders). Please do allow up to 14 days for delivery to overseas addresses from the time of posting ( This is a maximum and normally it should be much quicker)

I've received an error message stating that my credit card is invalid. What should I do?

If you see an error message stating that your credit card is invalid, this has most likely happened for one of the following reasons:

1. You have incorrectly entered your credit card number.

2. You have incorrectly entered your CVV code.

3. You have incorrectly entered your expiration date.

4. You have used a cancelled credit card to place your order.

5. Your card is restricted to point-of-sale transactions only (sales where your card is physically scanned)

6. Your issuing bank may be wary of an overseas transaction in the case it is not yourself placing the order. (Welcome Recordings is based in Wales, UK.) Please contact your bank and they will clear your card to enable you to represent it.

7. American Express cards cannot be used.

Please double-check your credit card and/or with your bank to ensure that none of these problems have occurred. If you realize that you've made a mistake, simply return to the payment option page and enter in the correct information. Continue checking out as normal.

If you're still encountering problems, please contact us. However, at NO point should you ever e-mail us your full credit card number. Your e-mail does not have the same security features in place as the website.

You may also pay by Cheque made payable to Paul Soffe.This can also be done on the cart and you select pay by cheque when option of card or cheque is shown.We will then hold your order until cheque is received and cleared. ( We have to do this as there are, as we all know, unscrupulous characters on the internet who, if a chip in the armour is discovered, will take advantage)

Why is my online confirmation number different from my order number?

This is due to the internal process we must maintain to properly tracking your order through the system. Once an order number is assigned you may use it for all future references to that purchase

VAT All UK  European Union  prices are subject to VAT. Therfore the price you pay has a VAT element .

VAT Registration Number:
330 3754 28

I have other questions not answered on the site!

If you still need some answers please contact me.I am very happy to help! :)

For any questions you can email me at paulsoffe@welcomerecordings.com or write to me

Paul Soffe Welcome Recordings Marehey House Mare Hey Lane Ewloe Clwyd Wales UK or call me

(0)1244 538393


Thank you